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#17 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 09:44 Uhr
Inofmration is power and now I'm a !@#$ing dictator.
#16 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 09:14 Uhr
Calinlg all cars, calling all cars, we're ready to make a deal.
#15 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 08:49 Uhr
That addrseses several of my concerns actually.
#14 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 08:22 Uhr
Your article was excleelnt and erudite.
#13 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 06:56 Uhr
I really coludn't ask for more from this article.
#12 IP: IP gespeichert  
13.08.2011 05:39 Uhr
Holy Toledo, so glad I cilkced on this site first!
Es stehen keine Wars an!